Monday, June 27, 2005

My Patient Honoree

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My aunt Joanne. Isn't she just lovely?

Sunday, June 26, 2005


Ran a terribly hot and steamy 10 miles this morning. Only 8 miles were scheduled, so of course, I had to go 10. So thankful for the fluids that our wondeful coaches have taken the time and effort to put out for the Team at about every 1.5 miles.

Thanks to everyone's generous donations, I am only $80 away from my recommittment goal of $1000, in which I will then get signed up for the marathon! I still don't think it's hit me yet, that I'm doing this distance again. I know that once the long runs get up to 14 or 15 I will start really taking the distance seriously, and possibly hitting the speed workouts on Thursday nights.

I promise to post pictures soon!

Monday, June 20, 2005

my honoree

Each Team member runs in honor of a Patient Honoree, usually a family member or a local patient seeking treatment. This year, I am running in honor of my Aunt Joanne. Joanne is a survivor of hairy cell leukemia, a rare form of the disease. She was diagnosed and treated in 1999, and thanks to the research and advancements in the field, her treatment has resulted in a long-lasting remission.

Thanks to fundraising efforts such as Team In Training, the overall survival rate from blood related cancers has tripled over the last ten years. Tripled, people!

the weekend

Since I was heading to The House on the Rock this past weekend, I knew I'd miss the long run with the Team on Sunday. So I ran an easy 7 miles Saturday morning, and then we headed off to probably the most spectacular manmade roadside attraction I've ever seen. Then we headed back to Madison to spend time on campus in the trendy shops and have some dinner. We set off for home the next morning, and after the weekend in the car, I was so restless, I decided to do another 6 miles of hills. So...I think I made up for missing the long run this weekend, and am ready for a great 8 miles with the Team next weekend.

The weather had been MUCH nicer this past week, thank goodness. Wonderful runs all around!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

boy, it's hot out there!

I really don't recall the heat and humidity affecting me so much. In years past, I loved the heat! I thrived on it. It warmed the muscles. It helped me stretch. I warmed up quicker in the heat. So why do I feel like a beginning runner in the humidity this year? I suppose I just have to get used to it again, being that it's really only been about a week since it's gotten so wicked hot here in Central Illinois. But when 5 miles is difficult for more than one run...that's saying a lot about the weather!

I'm almost to my $500 mark, just $79 more dollars to go!

Sunday, June 12, 2005


I'm back! And doing well. Ankle is fine, most everything else is healed from the little fiasco last weekend. Doing so well, that I ended up doing a 7.5 mile long run with the team. I took some pictures this morning, but it may be like forever until I get them posted, as I have yet to buy the digital camera I've had my eye on. This week for sure.

Fundraising is going well. I'm hoping to be halfway to my recommittment goal of $1000 by the end of next week. Only $160 to get there.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

training has officially started

And I've already missed my second long run with the Team due to a cycling accident. I missed the tri I was training for, but that's no problem. There will be plenty of others. I was out this morning for three miles with no pain in the ankle I was worried about, so I am hoping to make it to a group run this week and the Team run this Sunday. Wish me luck!