Tuesday, July 05, 2005

weekend recap

No long run for me this weekend, I wanted to take the usual Sunday long run off so I could run the local 5 mile race . So instead, on Saturday, a Teammate and I went out to the lake for 15 miles of cycling, and 7.5 miles of running around the lake. Oh the hills! I forgot about the hills! You really don't feel them as much when you're riding, as opposed to when you're running!

Every workout has a lesson. Unfortunately, it's usually the hard way! But I learned this: Even if it feels like I'm running 12 minute miles right after I get off the bike, I am not. I am probably running closer to 8 minute miles, and that is WAY too fast. Needless to say, we were a bit sore (but it was a *good* burn) the following hours.

Next week's long run is 8 miles, thankfully, as I'm participating in an organized 40-mile ride the day before.


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