Sunday, June 26, 2005


Ran a terribly hot and steamy 10 miles this morning. Only 8 miles were scheduled, so of course, I had to go 10. So thankful for the fluids that our wondeful coaches have taken the time and effort to put out for the Team at about every 1.5 miles.

Thanks to everyone's generous donations, I am only $80 away from my recommittment goal of $1000, in which I will then get signed up for the marathon! I still don't think it's hit me yet, that I'm doing this distance again. I know that once the long runs get up to 14 or 15 I will start really taking the distance seriously, and possibly hitting the speed workouts on Thursday nights.

I promise to post pictures soon!


At 2:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just wanted to say that what you are doing is AWESOME! I was in TNT in 2003 and it was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Most importantly, my wife is a leukemia survivor (5 1/2 years in remission) so we are so grateful for all of the TNT participants. Have fun and enjoy the excitement and challenges! Take care.


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